The answer as you will see twice is that when one replies on Outlook you
have a "reply" icon that will bring only the sender's name or a "reply to
all" icon that sends the response to you as the sender and the list as a
recipient of your original message.  To get the message to the list only,
you must either type in the list name which I always have to look up or
delete your name from the address line.  Several reasons could explain why
people fail to do that.  Lack of attention, laziness, fear of messing with
the software, or the taking of evil pleasure in filling your mailbox with
duplicate mailings.  The interesting thing, though, is how the listserver
decides to deliver the mail.  Often when I ask a question on the list I will
get a reply from someone before the server has delivered my question to me
as a member of the list. 

Michael Quanty
Psychology Professor
CBMTS Project Director
Thomas Nelson Community College
P.O. Box 9407
Hampton, Virginia 23670
Voice: 757.825.3500
Fax:   757.825.3807

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Guinee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 11:49 AM
Subject: a little question


On occasion, I have posted a question or statement.  Invariably, someone 
has responded to that question/statement, and send their reply to the list 
AND to me.  My initial response has always been, "Now I got it twice.  Why 
not just send it to the list?"

I'm really curious -- why do folks do that?  Are there certain folks who are

more inclined to do that?  Are there certain messages that prompt folks to 
do that?

Roasting in Arkansas

Jim Guinee, Ph.D.  Director of Training, Counseling Center           
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Psychology/Counseling
                            Dept. of Health Sciences
President-Elect, Arkansas College Counselor Association
University of Central Arkansas
313 Bernard Hall    Conway, AR  72035    USA                               
(501) 450-3138 (office)  (501) 450-3248 (fax)                            

"When you are angry, do not sin; do not let 
the sun go down on your wrath."  Ephesians 4:26


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