You might also want to point out that taste and odor both contribute to flavor.

>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09/07 9:37 PM >>>

No I haven't deteriorated to posting soft core porn to the list.  This is re: 
 Sense and Perception unit.  In discussing the division of the taste buds - 
sweet, sour, salty, and bitter, a student asked what areas of the tongue 
registered the really exotic and strong spices.  I told her that I suspected 
that these spices would register combinations of the basic four, but also 
told her (because that was just a good guess) that I would confirm with the 
more knowledgable folks in the field.

So, was my guess good, or is there more/more accurate information I can give 
to this student?

Thanks so much.

Nancy J. Melucci
Utility Infielder/B&SS
El Camino College
Torrance, CA

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