Title: Re: Aging teacher needs help
"'Hatcher, Joe'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Wed, Oct 20, 1999, 5:34 PM

>  I am an aging teacher.  Though not old my some
> standards (48),
> to get worse, and wonder if anyone out there has anything
> inspirational or simply helpful to offer.

I don't think age has anything to do with making a connection to students.
All you have to do is care and listen to them.  I have found that they
seem to automatically assume that since I teach psychology, they can
tell me their problems.  I am VERY careful to assure them that I am not
a therapist, if they need help they should go to counseling, yada yada,
but mostly they just want to talk (and talk, and talk).  I am older (53)
than most of their mothers, but feel I usually connect.  I never make
the mistake of thinking I am a peer, however.  I'm WAY too old for that.

Beth Benoit
University of Massachusetts Lowell

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