You will like this one! Though this is just one of those standard logic
puzzles, it does has a psychological twist (actually, a meta-cognitive
one - but no other hints!). Since it does have a psychological twist, it
might provide a nice example when y'all cover problem solving in Intro

There are 4 men. Two are wearing black hats, two white hats. No man
knows what hat he is wearing. All 4 men are buried up to their necks in
sand, so can look forward but not backwards. Label the men A,B,C and D.

Man A is facing east, and facing a brick wall. Man A is wearing a white
hat. Men B, C and D are all on the other side of the same wall, lined up
in a row, all facing west such that each can see the hats of the others
in front of them, but not in back. Man B has a black hat. Man C has a
white hat, and man D has a black hat. Obviously, they cannot see through
the wall.

WEST                                                    EAST

(white)                     (black)     (white)    (black)
   A           WALL        B            C            D

 --->                        <---          <---        <---

(--> indicates direction they are facing)

All 4 mean are facing toward the wall. Every man knows there are 2 white
hats, and, two black hats, but cannot see what is on their own head.

Here is the challenge that has been given to these 4 men. If one - and
only one - guesses their hat color incorrectly, they all die. But if one
- and only one - guess their own hat color correctly, they all live.
They are given 10 minutes for this challenge. In fact, one does guess
their own hat color - and does so with absolute confidence they are
correct (one more hint: he doesn't blurt out his own hat color
immediately. It took him a few minutes.)

_Your_ challenge: (1) Who guessed their own hat color correctly? (2) How
did this person know their own hat color?

There are no silly tricks - no X-ray vision. It can be solved quickly
and completely.

John W. Kulig                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Psychology   
Plymouth State College               tel: (603) 535-2468
Plymouth NH USA 03264                fax: (603) 535-2412
"The only rational way of educating is to be an example - if
one can't help it, a warning example." A. Einstein, 1934.

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