On a somewhat similar vein, I remember in college thinking how unfair it was
that courses were offered called "Chemistry for Non-Science Majors". Even
the non-science majors called this "Chemistry for Dummies". Science majors,
on the other hand, were required to take the same English, History, etc. as
others. Now I think it would actually be a good idea to have something like
Literature for Science Majors or Writing for Science Majors. Instead of
being a "dumbed down" version, it would be literature, writing, history,
etc. that is actually relevant to science. Courses might include science
classics (Darwin, James, etc.), writing research papers, history/philosophy
of science. 

Maybe I'm dreaming. Does any school offer this alternative?


Thomas A. Timmerman, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Psychology Department
Austin Peay State University
Clarksville, TN 37044

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