>I am feeling woefully ignorant.  I thought William James wrote the first text 
on psychology and I am ashamed to admit that I have never heard of Herbert 
Spencer.  Could you tell me more about him. I'm sure that James book was 
published after 1855, probably around 1889.

===== Original Message From "Ron Blue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
>In Herbert Spencer's two volume book "The Principles of Psychology" (1855)
>fundamental work on connectionism began.   Today, the Correlational Opponent
>Processing model at http://turn.to/ai carries on the tradition.  When I was
>a child I was given a book of poems which Herbert Spencer had given to an
>American woman.  The knowledge of his approach makes this childhood gift a
>deeper treasure.
>Ron Blue

Sally A. Radmacher, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Missouri Western State College
4525 Downs Drive
St. Joseph, MO  64018
(816) 271-4353

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