To Nancy et al:
 What I can remember is something like this:
 - that being right hemispheric dominant (supposedly women) is
advantageous in the general use of both hemispheres.
However being left hemispheric dominant (supposedly men) is more
specific to the left hemisphere and more restrictive of the use
of the right hemisphere.
- this may help explain why women seem to recover faster from strokes and
other illnesses because if one function is shut down the other functions
of her brain allows her to carry on.
- in the case of men,strokes can be very paralyzing
socially,psychologically and physically because men depend so  much
on the left hemisphere.
   So there may be an advantage for survival purposes for being
in a right hemispheric domain.
It may well be that artists,musicians and non-Eurocentric cultures 
may be at an advantage.

Michael Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida

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