> From the Skeptical Inquirer Electronic Digest, February 20, 2001
>  Public Favorable to Creationism
>  2/14/01 -- The American public favors teaching creationism in schools along
>  with evolution (68% favor and 29% oppose), but is opposed to the idea of
>  teaching creationism instead of evolution, by a 55% to 40% margin. Further,
>  Gallup polls conducted last year suggest that a quarter of Americans believe
>  teaching creationism should be required of the public schools, while another
>  56% say creationism should at least be offered to students as a subject of
>  study.
>  To view full release go to
>  <http://www.gallup.com/poll/releases/pr010214c.asp>

Michael J. Kane
Department of Psychology
P.O. Box 26164
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Greensboro, NC 27402-6164
phone: 336-256-1022
fax: 336-334-5066

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