>And this is relevant to teaching psychology because...

I would say it is at least as relevant as all of the self-serving comments 
that I read on this list.  It is at least as relevant as the inane one word 
emails about some psychic parrot (although I did laugh out loud over the 
polly graph comment... that was clever...).

In the short time I have been reading emails from this list, I would say 
that far more than half of the posting have little to do w/ direct (or 
indirect) teaching of psychology.  People use this forum like a chat room 
for too often...

Personally, I teach critical thinking/skepticism/scientific thought in my 
Methods class.  I often bring up the difference in thinking between 
creationists and scientists in the context of what can science discuss? 
what should it leave alone? what is good science?  I find the data from the 
Gallup survey interesting for that matter.

Stephen W. Tuholski Ph.D.               
Asst. Professor                         
Dept. of Psychology
Southern Illinois U. at Edwardsville
Edwardsville IL 62026
Phone: 618 650 5391             
Fax: 618 650 5087       

"Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so."
                        - Bertrand Russell                                      

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