At 08:42 AM 3/8/01 -0600, Jim  Guinee wrote:

The more I think of the "ideal age" theory, the more intriguing I find it.  That's
the one where everything that is created looks older than it really is.  Of
course, it is a biblical and geological stretch, and I don't want to cling to
some theory simply because it cannot be disproven.

Intriguing?  God really created the Earth a few thousand years ago, but (s)he made
it appear as though it is billions of years old, with fossilized flora, fauna and excrement
that never existed deeply buried, the Grand Canyon beautifully carved out, geographical
strata artfully layered, glacier scratches along rock, and Adam with a navel.  Well, if
nothing else, it proves that God is a much greater practical joker than the Bible suggests! 
Who needs a whoopie cushion when you can pull a stunt like that?

In all seriousness, I've yet to read or hear about any Creationist argument that the biblical
creation story is better supported by evidence than ANY OTHER religion's creation story.
It's not just enough to try to debunk evolution...

Michael J. Kane
Department of Psychology
P.O. Box 26164
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Greensboro, NC 27402-6164
phone: 336-256-1022
fax: 336-334-5066

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