Dear Diana,

We have used David Myers' textbook for 2 years after using Atkinson 
et al. and Zimbardo (& Gerrig). 

Overall, it has been a good choice. Students like the text and we 
are happy with it. We like the mixture of science, illustrations 
(examples) and the international perspective. There are some places 
where we find that it does not go into detail as much as the other 
texts, but we supplement this material in our lectures and course 

One final thing: The writing style is engaging!



Stuart J. McKelvie, Ph.D.,                Phone: (819)822-9600
Department of Psychology,                 Extension 2402
Bishop's University,                      Fax: (819)822-9661
3 Route 108 East,
Lennoxville,                              e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quebec J1M 1Z7,

Bishop's University Psychology Department Web Page:

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