Jerry wrote:

> I have a unique request.  A fellow instructor in our department is
> teaching a human sexuality class.  She mentioned she once saw a video
> which showed an elephant's erect prehensile penis (a quite stunning
> sight!).  Anyway, she would like to know if anyone has a reference for
> this video and where to purchase/rent it.

        They had a segment on Animal Planet recently on the subject of elephant
behavior that included a video of two elephants mating and the male moving
about with an erection. I don't know if that's the film she's referring
to, but if so it should be available through their website.

> Thanks in advance,

        Glad to help--need any other body parts located? :-)


Rick Adams

"... and the only measure of your worth and your deeds will be the love
you leave behind when you're gone. --Fred Small, Everything Possible "

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