Jim Guinee wrote:

> Nevertheless, while the devil seems a bit of the stuff that
> myths are made of, there are far too many references in the the New AND
> Old Testament (or Torah, if you prefer) to easily dismiss his existence.

Perhaps others on the list can answer this.  Do ALL major religions include a
devil-like entity?  If the answer is "no", then we have an example of the worst type
of Eurocentric thinking!  If the answer is "yes", I am still not sure of the
importance of the observation.  Does a universal belief in something make it real?
* Mike Scoles                      *    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *
* Department of Psychology         *    voice: (501) 450-5418   *
* University of Central Arkansas   *    fax:   (501) 450-5424   *
* Conway, AR    72035-0001         *                            *
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