Harry Avis wrote:

> Most experiments
> done when he was editor were not worth doing and the results were
> meaningless. Remember sEr=sHr x V x D + K    ?. Publish or perish leads to
> many trivial studies, whether with humans or animals.

Whoa!  As someone trained in the tradition to which Harry refers, it wasn't that
bad!  Yes, a little tedious at times, but meaningless?  Obvoiusly, not
everything that was published was a gem, but sometimes you have to dig through a
lot of worthless material to get to a gem.
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* Mike Scoles                       *    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
* Department of Psychology          *    voice: (501) 450-5418  *
* University of Central Arkansas    *    fax:   (501) 450-5424  *
* Conway, AR    72035-0001          *                           *

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