Jim wrote:

> Is it just me or does anyone else ever imagine what other 
> tipsters look like?

> Do you ever wonder what Michael Sylvester looks like?  
> Stephen Black? other regular subscribers?

        Trying to picture Michael Sylvester is a lot like trying to
imagine someone who is a cross between a Rastafarian radio personality
and a young Stanislaw Grof. Stephen Black, on the other hand I picture
as looking a lot like an Oxford don crossed with Carl Jung.
> I guess I wonder sometimes if the "image" I've created is 
> anything like the real thing.

        Probably not.

        I could almost guarantee that any image someone created of me
from my writings would be inaccurate--and I would assume the same holds
true for most list members as well.

        In some kinds of lists you really CAN form a pretty accurate
picture of the individuals (not necessarily body types, but whether they
are conservative or liberal in appearance, friendly looking or aloof,
etc.), but usually only on the more "personal discussion" type lists,
not one for professionals where most if not all members tend to have a
different "public--professional" image from their "private--personal"
one such as TIPS.

> Do I just have WAY too much time on my hands right now?

        Why--are finals over already at your institution (ours end this

> Covering my face in shame...

        Now, Jim. Don't feel too bad about your appearance. After all,
it's only skin deep! ;-)


Rick Adams
Department of Social Sciences
Jackson Community College
Jackson, MI

"... and the only measure of your worth and your deeds will be the love
you leave behind when you're gone. --Fred Small, Everything Possible " 

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