At 01:12 PM 5/1/01 -0400, you wrote:
>I recently had a student ask me about career options etc.  However, he is 
>a non-traditional student (i.e., adult-learner) and has been getting some 
>conflicting advice about career options.

I argue that admissions committees will see such applicants as serious, 
mature people who have strong professional commitments (otherwise they 
would not be considering grad school).  They certainly possess a degree of 
valuable wisdom not present in young turks.  As for career, I know 
therapists well into their 70s who continue to have full time 
practices.  Quality therapy, unlike construction, is something not 
restricted to the young and healthy.

Bill Ghiselli
Psychology Department
University of Missouri at Kansas City

"One man's fish is another man's poisson"

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