Michael Sylvester wrote:

> Apparently some students are not reading the course outline. 
> They keep on asking  questions where the answers are already 
> provided for in the outline. So I have decided to give them a 
> quiz on the course outline. Questions could be: how many 
> quizzes do we have in this course?
>                     what are my office hours?
>                     how many exams do we have?
>                     when is the deadline for the book report?
>                     how will your course grade be calculated? 
> and so on. Feedback invited. Is this a waste of time or could 
> the results indicate students' level of interest in the course.

        It's a waste of time, Michael. Instead, when they ask one of
those questions, just tell them to look at the outline and leave it at



". . . and the only measure of your worth and your deeds will be the
love you leave behind when you're gone." --Fred Small

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