Allen Esterson wrote:
> Oh, dear, the perils of translating from the UK to the US! Do not 
> conflate the American use of the term "liberal" with what is meant in 
> Britain by "Liberal".  

Although the history of UK's Liberal Democrats has some relevance here,  
the problem is translating from the actual meaning of the word "liberal" 
to the way the term is pejoratively flung around in the US. As I have 
said before on this list, "liberals" are not on the "left" (as though 
the left-right metaphor, dating from the days immediately following the 
French Revolution is still terribly informative). Liberals are in the 
center, as the LibDems are in the UK. (In Canada, legendary Liberal 
leader Pierre Trudeau once famously defined his party as representing 
"the radical center, that is to say, the extreme middle"). Social 
Democrats (historically identified with labor, though not so much 
anymore) are on the left. The reason "liberal" seems like the "left" in 
the US, is that the US doesn't have any "left" to speak of (except 
perhaps Bernie Sanders, independent senator from Vermont, and former 
mayor of the "People's Republic of Burlington").

It is worth noting that while there are lots of (supposedly "leftist") 
Democrats in the US who cannot bring themselves to support a "public 
option" on health care, there is hardly a (supposedly "right") 
Conservative in all of Western Europe or Canada who would dare to 
publicly suggest turning the entire health care system over to the 
private insurance companies. To do so would put their political career 
at considerable risk.


Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3


416-736-2100 ex. 66164


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