On the other hand, self styled conservatives like Bush and Cheney  
worked very hard at avoiding actual combat.
May be more a style of verbal aggression.

On Mar 8, 2010, at 7:38 PM, <sbl...@ubishops.ca> <sbl...@ubishops.ca>  

>  As a follow-up to my post drawing attention to this paper, I've  
> noticed that _Time_ magazine also has an essay on it,  probably  
> published immediately after they spotted my note on TIPS.
> http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1968042,00.html
> The author, John Cloud, refers to a study which found that  
> physically stronger men tended toward a belief in the use of force  
> to solve personal and international conflicts. Identifying this  
> with a conservative philosophy (a bit forced, perhaps), Cloud  
> concludes his piece with this bit of advice:
> "If you are a liberal who believes you're smarter than  
> conservatives, you probably shouldn't bring that up around them.  
> You might not like them when they're angry."
> Which suggests that it might not have been a good idea for Ed  
> Pollack to have, as he said, send the article around to his right  
> wing friends, even if he did get a lot of pleasure out of it.

Paul Brandon
Emeritus Professor of Psychology
Minnesota State University, Mankato

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