I accept your apology, but not your qualifications or back door vindications.  
And, Bob,
he didn't "gotcha anybody!"  First, just because someone else does something is 
not a
vindication of doing something similar. (never have seen South Park).  Second, 
supposed act of disrespect, again, doesn't excuse any other acts of disrespect. 
 Third, I
don't buy that was I disrespectful of whomever or whatever in my message 
referring to Ben
Stein.  Of what or whom was I "disrespectful?"  Not all people of science are 
not all people of science walk on the surface of the water!  As an historian, 
who knows
something more than a tad about the history of science, I'll stand by every 
word I said in
that message.   Oh, by the way, neither Stein nor I said "science equals 
Nazism."  The
Nazi T-4 plan was an application by "men of science," however perverted, of 
Spencer's social Darwinism, which, in turn, twisted Darwin's Theory of 
Evolution.  But,
you might also want to take a peek at Ulfried Gueter's The Professionalization 
Psychology in Nazi Germany and Robert Lifton's, The Nazi Doctors, as well as 
the records
of the medical trials of "men of science" at Nuremberg.  Or, you might want to 
"Mississippi appendectomy."  Off to my garden.  We had winter on Thursday and 
summer hit
on Friday.



Make it a good day.





Louis Schmier                                http://www.therandomthoughts.com

Department of History                    

Valdosta State University             

Valdosta, Georgia 31698                 /\   /\  /\               /\

(229-333-5947)                                /^\\/  \/   \   /\/\__/\ \/\

                                                        /     \/   \_ \/ /   \/ 
/\/    \

                                                       //\/\/ /\    
\__/__/_/\_\    \_/__\

                                                /\"If you want to climb 
mountains,\ /\

                                            _ /  \    don't practice on mole 
hills" -


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Palij [mailto:m...@nyu.edu] 
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 2:33 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Cc: Mike Palij
Subject: RE: [tips] What A Day: Mystery, Redemption, Astrology, Astronomy, 
History, and


Sun, 04 Apr 2010 09:09:03 -0700, Louis Schmier wrote:

>Mike, New Yawker or otherwise, Chris, droll or otherwise to some, but 

>nevertheless still disrespectful.


I'm sorry that you feel that way because I did not intend to be disrespectful

and apologize to anyone to anyone who thought I was being disrespectful.


But while we're on the topic of being disrespectful, Louis, I was wondering:

how disrespectful was I?  Consider the following:


(1)  South Park pokes fun at the Catholic Church implying that it is

actually run by a giant Queen Spider (which leads to people pooping

out of their mouths -- you have to see the episode if you don't understand)




(2)  Your support of Ben Stein's "Science leads to Nazism"; see the

following for the original Ben Stein qoute:


and Louis support of Ben Stein's position:


The rest of the thread can be found on the "alternate universe TiPS archive".


So, was my level of apparent disrespect the same as the examples above,

more than the examples above, or less than the examples above?


And, no, you can't claim that you weren't being disrespectful in your support

of Ben Stein's Science=Nazism position.


-Mike Palij

New York University






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