
Darwin himself relied on Lamarck for a mechanism underlying natural  
selection, since he wasn't aware of Mendel's work.

On Apr 5, 2010, at 3:44 AM, Louis Schmier wrote:

>  Chris, good morning.  Spencer wrote his Principles of Biology in  
> 1867, (Darwin’s Origin of Specie was published in 1859) in which he  
> first coined the phrase “survival of the fittest,” AFTER reading  
> Darwin, although he relied heavily on Lamarck, and became known as  
> the “father of Social Darwinism.”  These two, Darwin and Spencer,  
> were later misrepresented in the U.S. to legitimize free enterprise  
> and free competition, might makes right, and survival of the  
> fittest by the “robber barons,” perverting a combination of   
> American individualism, Smith, and Spencer (ignored Smith’s The  
> Theory of Moral Sentiments).  Then, the late 19th century  
> nationalists extended a combination of Darwin, Spencer, Smith, and  
> the Comte de Gobineau’s Essay on the Inequality of Human Races to  
> the survival of the individual nation, turning “nation” into a  
> biological racial term.
> From: Christopher D. Green []
> Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 10:14 PM
> To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
> Subject: Re: [tips] What A Day: Mystery, Redemption, Astrology,  
> Astronomy, History, and Tragedy
> Louis Schmier wrote:
>   The Nazi T-4 plan was an application by “men of science,” however  
> perverted, of Herbert Spencer’s social Darwinism, which, in turn,  
> twisted Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.
> Just for the record, Spencer was a published evolutionist BEFORE  
> Darwin was. After Darwin published, he adopted natural selection as  
> one evolutionary mechanism, among others.

Paul Brandon
Emeritus Professor of Psychology
Minnesota State University, Mankato

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