
Neil Gross, a sociologist at U of British Columbia, has some nice
empirical papers on this topic, documenting both the extent of the
liberal leanings of academics and some (possibly explanatory)
correlates.  One working paper can be found at:


Here is the abstract:

Abstract: The political liberalism of professors*an important
occupational group and
anomaly according to traditional theories of class politics*has long
puzzled sociologists.
To shed new light on the subject, we review research on professorial
politics over the past
half-century, identifying the main hypotheses that have been proposed
to account for
professorial liberalism. Using regression decomposition, we examine
predictors of the political gap between professors and other Americans
using General
Social Survey data pooled from 1974-2008. Results indicate that
professors are more
liberal than other Americans because a higher proportion possess
advanced educational
credentials, exhibit a disparity between their levels of education and
income, identify as
Jewish, non-religious, or non-theologically conservative Protestant,
and express greater
tolerance for controversial ideas. Together, the variables linked to
our hypotheses account
for about 43 percent of the political gap between professors and other
Americans. We
conclude by outlining a new theory of professorial politics that
integrates these findings,
moves beyond existing approaches, and sets an agenda for future

Like others, I have never had any experience with people being denied
tenure in psychology because of their political beliefs.  But on the
basis of just that experience I would not be that confident that
politics would not enter into the picture in other departments/programs,
most likely at the selection stage rather than later during tenure
proceedings.  For example, we have a pretty hands-on President, Lloyd
Axworthy, who was once a federal Minister for the Liberal party here in
Canada.  By hands-on, I mean that he is promoting our institution as a
global / community oriented institution.  I would be very surprised to
find people entering some of his initiatives who did not toe liberal
views.  As someone else previously mentioned, certain disciplines might
be more prone to "relevance" of political views to people's academic
studies.  Is it U of Chicago right now that is going through some
objections to naming of the Milton Friedman School of Economics (or
something ilke that) because it might (appear to) promote a certain
economic (i.e., political) worldview?

I would also not be surprised if academics active in their faculty
associations (to many the public face of university professors??) were
not more strongly left-leaning even than the faculty as a whole. 
Mainstream faculty organizations, for example, appear to get more
exercised by conservative threats (e.g., to academic freedom) than to
"liberal" threats, which has perhaps contributed to the creation of NAS
and FIRE in the USA and SAFS in Canada.  See




Take care

James M. Clark
Professor of Psychology
204-774-4134 Fax

>>> Deborah S Briihl <dbri...@valdosta.edu> 23-May-10 2:27:44 PM >>>
Our department actually has a somewhat conservative leaning. I know the

political beliefs of a number of people here and I had a conversation 
with someone a few years ago who used to work in our department who was

surprised at the number of people who voted Republican. What I would 
like to believe is that we hold these ideas away from our courses and 
teach what the research has shown us in our classrooms.


Dr. Deborah S. Briihl
Dept. of Psychology and Counseling
Valdosta State University

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