A little bit off topic but Donald Norman has a couple of books on the design of 
everyday things. Sorry I can't include a link to amazon, but I don't quite have 
the hang of multiple windows in the iPad yet.


Maybe I did it here:
And here:
And here:
Sent from my iPad

On Oct 14, 2011, at 11:41 AM, "Gerald Peterson" <peter...@svsu.edu> wrote:

> Fun site that mentions the failure to "follow human factor principles." Where 
> are they? Next to each example should be a note about what psych law or 
> principle was violated.  Is there a list of established laws and principles 
> in this field?  They probably just mean 'common sense' and user-friendly 
> ideas eh?
> On a related note, do TIPS folks encounter many/any students interested in 
> this area? I am hosting our annual Grad School/Career Prep seminar next week 
> and I try to encourage students to appreciate the wide range of Psychology 
> career options.
> Gary
> G.L. (Gary) Peterson,Ph.D
> Psychology@SVSU
> On Oct 14, 2011, at 12:57 PM, "Paul C Bernhardt" <pcbernha...@frostburg.edu> 
> wrote:
>> This site has many examples that I use in my I/O class. And, my house has 
>> light switches in all kinds of terrible places (like the back wall of a 
>> closet, so you have to reach through the hanging clothing to get to the 
>> switch for the closet light).
>> http://www.baddesigns.com/
>> Paul C. Bernhardt
>> Department of Psychology
>> Frostburg State University
>> Frostburg, Maryland
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Rick Froman [mailto:rfro...@jbu.edu]
>> Sent: Fri 10/14/2011 12:13 PM
>> To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
>> Subject: [tips] Need an example of the need for human factors research?
>> I recommend that we get that bathroom door button a little further from the 
>> rudder button.
>> http://www.reuters.com/video/2011/09/30/japanese-airline-ana-apologises-for-plan?videoId=222108745&videoChannel=2602
>> Rick
>> Dr. Rick Froman, Chair
>> Division of Humanities and Social Sciences Box 3055
>> x7295
>> rfro...@jbu.edu
>> http://bit.ly/DrFroman
>> Proverbs 14:15 "A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives 
>> thought to his steps."
>> ---
>> You are currently subscribed to tips as: pcbernha...@frostburg.edu.
>> To unsubscribe click here: 
>> http://fsulist.frostburg.edu/u?id=13441.4e79e96ebb5671bdb50111f18f263003&n=T&l=tips&o=13418
>> or send a blank email to 
>> leave-13418-13441.4e79e96ebb5671bdb50111f18f263...@fsulist.frostburg.edu
>> ---
>> You are currently subscribed to tips as: peter...@svsu.edu.
>> To unsubscribe click here: 
>> http://fsulist.frostburg.edu/u?id=13445.e3edca0f6e68bfb76eaf26a8eb6dd94b&n=T&l=tips&o=13420
>> or send a blank email to 
>> leave-13420-13445.e3edca0f6e68bfb76eaf26a8eb6dd...@fsulist.frostburg.edu
>> {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\fromtext \deff0{\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss Arial;} 
>> {\f1\fmodern Courier New;} {\f2\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;} 
>> {\f3\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier New;}} 
>> {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;} 
>> \uc1\pard\plain\deftab360 \f0\fs20 This site has many examples that I use in 
>> my I/O class. And, my house has light switches in all kinds of terrible 
>> places (like the back wall of a closet, so you have to reach through the 
>> hanging clothing to get to the switch for the closet light).\par \par 
>> http://www.baddesigns.com/\par \par Paul C. Bernhardt\par Department of 
>> Psychology\par Frostburg State University\par Frostburg, Maryland\par \par 
>> \par \par -----Original Message-----\par From: Rick Froman 
>> [mailto:rfro...@jbu.edu]\par Sent: Fri 10/14/2011 12:13 PM\par To: Teaching 
>> in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)\par Subject: [tips] Need an example of 
>> the need for human factors research?\par \par I recommend that we get that 
>> bathroom door button a little further from the rudder button.\par \par 
>> http://www.reuters.com/video/2011/09/30/japanese-airline-ana-apologises-for-plan?videoId=222108745&videoChannel=2602\par
>>  \par Rick\par \par Dr. Rick Froman, Chair\par Division of Humanities and 
>> Social Sciences Box 3055\par x7295\par rfro...@jbu.edu\par 
>> http://bit.ly/DrFroman\par \par Proverbs 14:15 "A simple man believes 
>> anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps."\par \par \par 
>> ---\par You are currently subscribed to tips as: 
>> pcbernha...@frostburg.edu.\par To unsubscribe click here: 
>> http://fsulist.frostburg.edu/u?id=13441.4e79e96ebb5671bdb50111f18f263003&n=T&l=tips&o=13418\par
>>  or send a blank email to 
>> leave-13418-13441.4e79e96ebb5671bdb50111f18f263...@fsulist.frostburg.edu\par 
>> \par }
> ---
> You are currently subscribed to tips as: tay...@sandiego.edu.
> To unsubscribe click here: 
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