Mike Palij linked to this article in the New York Times:
The author of the article John Markoff ("senior writer… writes for the paper's 
sciencesection") describes Steven Pinker as an "experimental psychologist".So 
what was the last experiment in psychology that Pinker undertook?
Formerlecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

>From        Michael Palij <m...@nyu.edu>
Subject    Late Night With [Insert Name Of Favorite Scientist]
Date         Tue, 10 Jan 2012

Gee, don'tyou wish that you could sit back, relax with your favorite beverage,
and watch a major scientist being interviewed?

Yeah, me neither. ;-)

But for those who would like to have that experience, the NY Times
has an article on an MIT professor who is in essence doing his
own "TV talk show".  For the article, see:

For some of the interviews in the series "Cambridge Nights", see:

I note that Steve Pinker is included in the new "season" but admit
that it is becoming somewhat tiresome to see him again given how
many media appearances he makes as well as his need for a
good haircut. ;-)

-Mike Palij
New YorkUniversity

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