On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 01:04:28 -0800, Allen Esterson wrote:
>Mike Palij linked to this article in the New York Times:
>The author of the article John Markoff ("senior writer… writes for the
>science section") describes Steven Pinker as an "experimental
psychologist". So
>what was the last experiment in psychology that Pinker undertook?

Recently Pinker has been busier writing for popular audiences, writing
reviews, commentaries, etc. than publishing empirical research reports
but the short answer to your question is Huang & Pinker 2010 (see list

PsycInfo lists 91 publications (which is probably an underestimate)
for Pinker of which 22 are empirical research reports.  I provide a
reference list below for these 22 articles.

Pinker was particularly influential in the cognitive psychology community
in the 1980s with his research on mental imagery.  Since then his
interests have expanded.  Still, he needs to get a good haircut.

-Mike Palij
New York University


Berent, I., Pinker, S., & Shimron, J. (1999). Default
nominal inflection in hebrew: Evidence for mental
variables. Cognition, 72(1), 127-138.

Berent, I., Pinker, S., & Shimron, J. (2002). The
nature of regularity and irregularity: Evidence from
hebrew nominal inflection. Journal of Psycholinguistic
Research, 31(5), 459-502. doi:10.1023/A:1021256819323

Berent, I., Pinker, S., Tzelgov, J., Bibi, U., & Goldfarb,
L. (2005). Computation of semantic number from morphological
information. Journal of Memory and Language, 53(3), 342-358.

Bregman, A. S., & Pinker, S. (1978). Auditory streaming
and the building of timbre. Canadian Journal of Psychology/Revue
Canadienne De Psychologie, 32(1), 19-31. doi:10.1037/h0081664

Cave, K. R., Pinker, S., Giorgi, L., & Thomas, C. E. (1994).
The representation of location in visual images. Cognitive
Psychology, 26(1), 1-32. doi:10.1006/cogp.1994.1001

Finke, R. A., & Pinker, S. (1983). Directional scanning of
remembered visual patterns. Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 9(3), 398-410.

Finke, R. A., & Pinker, S. (1982). Spontaneous imagery
scanning in mental extrapolation. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 8(2), 142-147.

Finke, R. A., Pinker, S., & Farah, M. J. (1989). Reinterpreting
visual patterns in mental imagery. Cognitive Science: A
Multidisciplinary Journal, 13(1), 51-78.

Gropen, J., Pinker, S., Hollander, M., & Goldberg, R. (1991).
Affectedness and direct objects: The role of lexical semantics
in the acquisition of verb argument structure. Cognition.Special
Issue: Lexical and Conceptual Semantics, 41(1-3), 153-195.

Huang, Y. T., & Pinker, S. (2010). Lexical semantics and
irregular inflection. Language and Cognitive Processes, 25(10),
1411-1461. doi:10.1080/01690961003589476

Kim, J. J., Marcus, G. F., Pinker, S., & Hollander, M. (1994).
Sensitivity of children's inflection to grammatical structure.
Journal of Child Language, 21(1), 173-209. doi:10.1017/S0305000900008710

Marcus, G. F., Brinkmann, U., Clahsen, H., Wiese, R., & Pinker, S.
(1995). German inflection: The exception that proves the rule.
Cognitive Psychology, 29(3), 189-256. doi:10.1006/cogp.1995.1015

Millenson, J. R., Allen, R. B., & Pinker, S. (1977). Adjunctive
drinking during variable and random-interval food reinforcement
schedules. Animal Learning & Behavior, 5(3), 285-290.

Pinker, S. (1980). Mental imagery and the third dimension.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 109(3), 354-371.

Pinker, S., Choate, P. A., & Finke, R. A. (1984). Mental
extrapolation in patterns constructed from memory. Memory & Cognition,
12(3), 207-218.

Pinker, S., & Finke, R. A. (1980). Emergent two-dimensional
patterns in images rotated in depth. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 6(2), 244-264.

Pinker, S., & Kosslyn, S. M. (1978). The representation and
manipulation of three-dimensional space in mental images. Journal
of Mental Imagery, 2(1), 69-84.

Pinker, S., Lebeaux, D. S., & Frost, L. A. (1987). Productivity
and constraints in the acquisition of the passive. Cognition, 26(3),
195-267. doi:10.1016/S0010-0277(87)80001-X

Prasada, S., & Pinker, S. (1993). Generalisation of regular and
irregular morphological patterns. Language and Cognitive Processes,
8(1), 1-56. doi:10.1080/01690969308406948

Sahin, N. T., Pinker, S., Cash, S. S., Schomer, D., & Halgren, E.
(2009). Sequential processing of lexical, grammatical, and
phonological information within broca's area. Science, 326(5951),
445-449. doi:10.1126/science.1174481

Tarr, M. J., & Pinker, S. (1989). Mental rotation and
in shape recognition. Cognitive Psychology, 21(2), 233-282.

Tarr, M. J., & Pinker, S. (1990). When does human object
recognition use a viewer-centered reference frame? Psychological Science,
1(4), 253-256. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.1990.tb00209.x

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