He does a super show. We managed to have him visit us a few years ago and I did 
his Intro, but this was before his current Project Alpha show, which sounds 
fascinating! Would be a good show for a History and Systems class? 

G.L. (Gary) Peterson,Ph.D

On Jun 9, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Christopher Green <chri...@yorku.ca> wrote:

> Y''know, guys, the BemBash-alooza is getting a little 
> methinks-thou-doth-protest-too-much-ish now. 
> On related, but not so personal note, I went to see the "mentalist" who goes 
> by the stage name Banachek last night. He was originally trained, as a 
> teenager, by James Randi to fool psychologists at Washington U. who were 
> conducting "scientific" investigations of psi phenomena into believing he was 
> the real deal. It worked; they "certified" him. Then Randi and he (and one 
> other "plant") held a press conference to expose what they had done.
> Banachek's current show, "Project Alpha," is all about deconstructing 
> telepathy. He demonstrates a bunch of classic telepathy and telekinesis 
> phenomena, showing them to be "tricks." He also does the famous 19th-century 
> "Spirit Cabinet," Uri Geller-style fork-bending/breaking, and a past-lives 
> regression (with two audience members who say they believe in past lives). 
> His ongoing commentary includes mentions of a bunch of philosophers and 
> psychologists who tried to deomonstrate psi phenomena, such as Henry 
> Sidgwick, Gestalt psychologist Wolfgang Metzger, Duke psychologist Karl Zener 
> (who invented the psi cards with the circle, square, star, plus, wavy lines). 
> No mention of William James though.
> He does all of this so apparently effortlessly that some True Believers have 
> claimed he is deluded about not having true psychical powers. :-) 
> All in all, a very entertaining evening.
> Chris
> ---
> Christopher D. Green
> Department of Psychology
> York University
> Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
> Canada
> chri...@yorku.ca
> http://www.yorku.ca/christo/
> ==========================
> On 2012-06-09, at 3:54 PM, Paul C Bernhardt wrote:
>> Do we know exactly when Bem did the studies that were published in JPSP? 
>> If he'd been doing studies for decades he could eventually have gathered 
>> enough type 1 errors to result in the publication we saw in JPSP. 
>> Paul
>> On Jun 9, 2012, at 2:23 PM, Michael Palij wrote:
>>> Just another comment on the above:  Bem has a website which can be
>>> accessed at:
>>> http://dbem.ws/
>>> On it, Bem has a list of his publications, organized chronologically and
>>> in other groups.  If one examines the chronological list, Bem's first
>>> publication involving PSI don't appear until 1990; see:
>>> http://dbem.ws/pubs.html#1990
>>> He does have an 1989 book review of a book on parapsychology but
>>> nothing on parapsychology or the ganzfeld experiments before that
>>> (it appears the first ganzfeld experiment paper was published in 1994).
>>> So, if Bem was doing PSI work circa 1978-1982, why was he in the
>>> "closet", so to speak, about his work in parapsychology?  What happened
>>> around 1990 to make Bem "go off the rails"?
>> ---
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