This is what I was thinking as well. We can't see into Darwin's heart, as it 
were. My impression, from lots of reading I've done about Darwin (including the 
Browne biography Louis recommended) is that he was never a deep believer in 
conventional Anglican theology. His discoveries in South America loosened what 
faith he had even further (though it was his buddy Huxley, more than him, who 
was willing to make public pronouncements about the religious implications of 
Darwinian theory, and even invent the word "agnostic" in order to describe his 
own disposition). What finally shattered even lukewarm religious faith for 
Darwin, however, was the death of his daughter Annie, more than the theory of 
natural selection. And, of course, stories of Darwin having repented on his 
deathbed are wholly fictional. 

Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3

On 2012-12-12, at 10:41 AM, Paul Brandon wrote:

> I assume that the guesses about what Darwin was thinking will continue to 
> evolve.
> On Dec 12, 2012, at 8:44 AM, Louis E. Schmier wrote:
>> I'm not sure you would call Darwin's change of religious attitude a "crisis 
>> of faith." Though he denied "revelation," an atheist he never became.  
>> Denying Divine revelation and involement, but as a "first cause," he was 
>> closer to being a deist or theist, maybe an agnostic.   Since I haven't been 
>> up on the history of science for a while, I'm not sure my references are the 
>> most up-to-date.  Take a gander at Janet Browne's two volume biography of 
>> Darwin, particularly the second volume.  But, again, since her second volume 
>> was published almost a decade ago, I don't know if she's the latest word. 
>> Make it a good day
>> -Louis-
>> Louis Schmier                                        
>> 203 E. Brookwood Pl               
>> Valdosta, Ga 31602 
>> (C)  229-630-0821                             /\   /\  /\                 /\ 
>>     /\
>>                                                      /^\\/  \/   \   /\/\__  
>>  /   \  /   \
>>                                                     /     \/   \_ \/ /   \/ 
>> /\/  /  \    /\  \
>>                                                   //\/\/ /\    \__/__/_/\_\/ 
>>    \_/__\  \
>>                                             /\"If you want to climb 
>> mountains,\ /\
>>                                         _ /  \    don't practice on mole 
>> hills" - /   \_
>> On Dec 12, 2012, at 9:19 AM, Mike Palij wrote:
>>> I would appreciate suggestions for readings on how Darwin dealt
>>> with the issues of reconciling his religious faith with the implications
>>> of his scientific observations and explanations.  And what can be
>>> said about his final position. TIA.
> Paul Brandon
> Emeritus Professor of Psychology
> Minnesota State University, Mankato
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