Just a few points:

1) The base rate of grants available to psychologists is too low to fund any reasonable number of tenured faculty. This is just another manipulation of criteria designed to cut costs. We are headed for faculties composed of instructors, post-docs and depressed nontenured assistant professors who spend each waking
moment applying for grants they have a small chance of acquiring.

2) I have never seen grant acquisition stats just for psychologists. It must be low because we don't have our own institute. Each major discipline has its own funding institute. NIMH is for psychiatry and neuroscientists who believe that all mental disorders are a neurotransmitter disease. Psychologists get a few grants out of guilt. The reviewers support their own disciplines. It is only in the areas of obvious psychological influence, such as obesity, smoking cessation and drug addiction that receive any reasonable funding for psychologists. Most of the funding in those areas still goes to neuroscientists who write grants supporting
theories of obesity, drug addiction etc as brain disorders.

Even nurses have their own institute. After the nurses advocated for their institute, they began to get grants on their own terms.

3) The R01 has become the currency of academia. It has already become standard practice in the biomedical sciences to fire people because they don't get grants,
even before they go up for tenure.

The longshoremen recently shook the foundations of our fragile economy by just suggesting they might go on strike over a minor compensation issue.

Maybe it's time to join a union.

Mike Williams

On 1/2/13 11:00 PM, Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS) digest wrote:
Subject: famous psychologists and federal grants
From: "Lilienfeld, Scott O"<slil...@emory.edu>
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 22:57:07 +0000
X-Message-Number: 1

Hi TIPSters...happy New Year.

I beg your indulgence for just a bit, as this message doesn't have much direct 
bearing on the teaching of psychology, although I do think it carries a number 
of implications for how we think about academia and what we value or do not 
value in our colleagues.

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