Having watched President Obama's remarks in their entirety, the statement below 
by Dr. Wuensch is, IMO, a terrible misinterpretation of his message.

Obama was not intending in any way to use the phrase "negative reinforcement" 
as the jargon usage seen in psychology. He was speaking without a jargon style 
and saying 'negative influences.'

If Obama had said, "We should seek if there is a correlation between people's 
feelings on this matter and their perspective informed by their experience of 
history relevant to race" we would not think he was referring to a Perason 
Product Moment Correlation. But, I would like to think all of us caution our 
students to remove the use of correlation from their writing in their formal 
academic writing for our classes because of its jargon meaning in our field.

Listen to what Obama was saying.


On Jul 19, 2013, at 1:47 PM, Wuensch, Karl L wrote:

Obama just incorrectly used the term "negative reinforcement."
Karl L. Wuensch, Professor and ECU Scholar/Teacher, Dept. of Psychology
East Carolina University, Greenville NC  27858-4353, USA, 
Voice:  252-328-9420     Fax:  252-328-6283


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