On 22 March 2017 at 00:32, Peter Gutmann <pgut...@cs.auckland.ac.nz> wrote:
> I'd earlier thought of suggesting that the record length be the ciphertext
> length, not the plaintext length, but wasn't sure if there'd be much support
> for it.

Yep, you thought right.  I considered the same thing, investigated
what it would take to implement and found that it would be awful.  The
code that deals with record splitting doesn't know anything about the
specific cipher suite right now.  It would have to be taught about the
expansion, because without that information it would potentially send
a packet for encryption and then discover that it got too big in the
process and start over.  When compression is enabled, I can't imagine
what it would do.

Implementing a limit on pre-encryption data turns out to be pretty
trivial, because you change a constant (2^14) into a variable

You are right that choosing the encrypted size makes setting the value
easier, but that moves the effort to the wrong place.  The constrained
device is the one that cares about this, so it can be the one to spend
the effort choosing the right value.  Move the effort somewhere else
and you will find that fewer non-constrained devices will bother
implementing the extension.

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