Martin Rex <> writes:

>I expect TLSv1.3 is going to be in a decade where IPv6 is today.

It'll be interesting to see.  This certainly seems to be true for HTTP/2
a.k.a. HTTP4Google, I was expecting usage to be mostly Google-only but from
the little data I could find it appears to be even worse than that:

0.1% uptake is effectively zero adoption after two years, so this does seem to
parallel IPv6.

>Not supporting IPv4 is a non-starter, because you can not reach 95% of the
>internet, and not even get internet connectivity in a lot of places.

Yeah, good point (as an analogy for TLS).  It'll be interesting to see where
things are in a year or two.  Certainly 1.2 will be around forever, and by
that I don't mean "a while, until 1.3 gets deployed", but forever.  TLS 1.0 is
already proving scarily long-lived.

The one good thing about (almost) everyone fixating on TLS 1.3 is that it's
been possible to develop and in some cases already deploy LTS in peace, so
it's ended up doing what the target audience requires without lots of
unnecessary bells and whistles added.


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