
On 21/08/18 13:10, Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL wrote:
> "Vulnerable-by-design ciphersuites"? Vulnerable to what?

Accidental use, at least. If libraries implemented this
it could create a need for "!NULL" additions to random
configurations for example.

(I do accept that vulnerable-by-design might be considered
overstated, but I'm looking at his from a "part of TLS" POV
and not just at the lower level cryptographic mechanism.)

> Suck sites are designed to provide end-point authentication and
> traffic integrity. Care to explain/show how these properties would
> not hold?
> Besides, it's been explained several times that some use cases do not
> require confidentiality, and in some use cases confidentiality is
> forbidden.

I think I and others addressed those issues. Or tried to,
anyway;-) Assuming the only "forbidden" case means ham
radio. And it's I think fair to say that a number of times
when people have started out thinking they don't need
confidentiality, it turned out later that they did.


> Regards, Uri
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 21, 2018, at 07:42, Stephen Farrell
>> <stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie> wrote:
>>> On 20/08/18 21:48, Nancy Cam-Winget (ncamwing) wrote: All, A
>>> couple IoT consortiums are trying to embrace the improvements 
>>> made to TLS 1.3 and as they define their new security constructs 
>>> would like to adopt the latest protocols, in this case TLS 1.3.
>>> To that extent, they have a strong need for mutual
>>> authentication, but integrity only (no confidentiality)
>>> requirements.
>>> In following the new IANA rules, we have posted the draft 
>>> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-camwinget-tls-ts13-macciphersuites-00
to document request for registrations of HMAC based cipher selections
>>> with TLS 1.3…..and are soliciting feedback from the WG on the
>>> draft and its path forward.
>> As ekr pointed out, with the new registration rules, there's
>> nothing to stop someone defining any old set of crypto stuff and
>> getting non-recommended codepoints.
>> That said, I don't consider that defining such vulnerable-by-design
>> ciphersuites is a good plan.
>> - It imposes costs on the non-niche users of TLS - once these
>> things are defined then developers and those who deploy/configure
>> applications using TLS need to check that they're not using these
>> undesirable ciphersuites, so costs are being displaced from niche
>> uses to the vast majority of implementations and deployments,
>> which seems to me to be a bad idea. And we know that people will
>> sometimes get those checks wrong leading to unexpected transmission
>> of plaintext over the Internet.
>> - Similarly, just defining such ciphersuites seems likely to lead
>> to less well tested and infrequently used code paths, which is
>> undesirable. (Assuming someone pays some developer to add these to
>> some library, which generally does seem to happen.)
>> - RFC7525 [1] is clear on this topic (after debate in the UTA WG) -
>> "Implementations MUST NOT negotiate the cipher suites with NULL
>> encryption" and I see nothing new to convince me that that ought
>> change for TLS1.3.
>> - Code footprint arguments aren't that convincing to me - to get
>> interop for the few devices where AES being present or absent could
>> make a real difference, you'd need an awful lot more profiling of
>> TLS or DTLS. I don't see evidence of that so the interop/footprint
>> arguments seem pretty weak. I'd also bet that any useful "tiny 
>> footprint" profile of that kind would end up targeting loads of
>> use-cases where confidentiality is absolutely required.
>> - (In addition to the good points made by Geoffrey Keating [2])
>> cleartext payloads would also assist in device fingerprinting,
>> making it easier to exploit vulnerabilities at scale.
>> - IIUC there is also a desire to encrypt firmware updates so that
>> patches can be distributed more quickly than attackers can
>> reverse-engineer attacks. [4] I'm not entirely sure if that's
>> really likely to happen, but if it were, then devices would need to
>> be able to use recommended ciphersuites in any case.
>> - TLS/AX.25 doesn't seem that good a plan in any case - according
>> to [3], which seems reasonable to me, using clear-signed GPG is
>> quicker and better meets the oddball regulations. Attempting to
>> deal with those regulations by weakening TLS seems like a very bad
>> plan, as you'd fail in any case to achieve interop with normal TLS
>> applications like the web. (And the advertising is as illegal as
>> the crypto apparently, though I do like that aspect:-)
>> - WRT unix sockets, I'm not clear that there's a sufficiently
>> important performance improvement in real deployments to justify
>> introducing weakened ciphersuites - presumably mail servers are
>> going to use standard TLS libraries that (I hope!) won't be 
>> offering NULL encryption, so I'd be surprised if the right
>> engineering decision was to prioritise CPU to that extent, given
>> the risks associated with having weak ciphersuites present in
>> widely used implementations. IOW, it seems more sensible to me for
>> mail servers to just stick to using RECOMMENDED ciphersuites. And
>> given that you could use SASL with Postfix/LMTP [5] I'm not sure
>> why you'd want a weirdo-version of TLS1.3 anyway but maybe there's 
>> some reason I don't get.
>> - I think this WG has had to spend waaaay too much time dealing
>> with the "inspection of data" debate in various forms, but we did
>> get an answer (no consensus) in the end for that. Niche use cases
>> seem extremely unlikely to me to justify revisiting that painful 
>> topic.
>> So all in all, I just don't see a need for these weak-by-design
>> ciphersuites to even be defined. I'd encourage folks who think
>> they're needed to instead think about how using RECOMMENDED
>> ciphersuites might make their implementations more widely
>> applicable and safer. Seems like a much more productive approach
>> to me anyway.
>> Regards, S.
>> [1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7525 [2]
>> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/tls/uI8xVgp7gTuJgwUyY-UgZfmUkRo
[3] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-suit-architecture-01#section-3.3
>> [4]
>> https://www.tapr.org/pdf/DCC2010-AX.25-AuthenticationEffects-KE5LKY.pdf
[5] http://www.postfix.org/SASL_README.html#client_sasl
>> <0x5AB2FAF17B172BEA.asc> 
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