I was operating under the assumption that inputs to concatenation were fixed 
length.  It seems that the attack mentioned did not.  It seems like that is a 
far simpler way of achieving that goal.  

That is, it seems to be sufficient to state that assumption as a requirement.

Constructing a length-prefixed encoding would work if we thought that 
supporting variable length secrets was a good idea.  We could even do that on a 
per-secret basis, adding a length only when needed.  However, I can't think of 
any way in which a variable length input would be advisable. So I'm going to 
recommend that we stick to fixed lengths.  As Douglas notes, there aren't any 
primitives under consideration that want a variable-length secret once the 
parameters are decided.

That TLS is vulnerable in the event of a collision will remain, even if we fix 
this, so while I'm not happy that our defense is that thin, the four conditions 
here on the second attack are each layers in that defense.  Short timeouts mean 
that the massive computation involved in even SHA-1 collisions seems unlikely.  
Ephemeral key reuse is already advised against fairly strongly.  We try to 
choose strong key agreement methods.  And inputs are fixed length (or 
unambiguously encoded if deemed to be necessary).


On Wed, Jan 12, 2022, at 08:01, Eric Rescorla wrote:
> Hi Douglas,
> 8446 already says:
>    Note that HKDF-Expand implements a pseudorandom function (PRF) with
>    both inputs and outputs of variable length.  In some of the uses of
>    HKDF in this document (e.g., for generating exporters and the
>    resumption_master_secret), it is necessary that the application of
>    HKDF-Expand be collision resistant; namely, it should be infeasible
>    to find two different inputs to HKDF-Expand that output the same
>    value.  This requires the underlying hash function to be collision
>    resistant and the output length from HKDF-Expand to be of size at
>    least 256 bits (or as much as needed for the hash function to prevent
>    finding collisions).
> With that said, defense in depth is good. Does it help to have just a 
> structured input, e.g.,
> opaque KeyInput<0..2^16-1>;
> struct {
>    KeyInput inputs<2..2^16-1>;
> } KeyScheduleInput;
> -Ekr
> On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 11:08 AM Douglas Stebila <dsteb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello TLS working group,
>> We've posted a revised version of "Hybrid key exchange in TLS 1.3" [1].  
>> Based on revision requests from the last draft, the main change is removing 
>> the unnecessary appendix of the past design considerations, and a few 
>> wording changes.
>> Last September, Nimrod Aviram, Benjamin Dowling, Ilan Komargodski, Kenny 
>> Paterson, Eyal Ronen, and Eylon Yogev posted a note [2,3] with some concerns 
>> about whether the approach for constructing the hybrid shared secret in this 
>> document -- direct concatenation -- was risky in a scenario where the hash 
>> function used in TLS key derivation and transcript hashing is not collision 
>> resistant.  Nimrod and his colleagues exchanged many emails with us over the 
>> past few months to help us understand their concerns.  In the end we think 
>> the concerns are low and we have not made any changes in this draft, 
>> although if we receive different guidance from the working group, we'll do 
>> so.
>> There were two types of concerns that Nimrod and his colleagues identified 
>> [2,3]:
>> a) An attacker who can find collisions in the hash function can cause 
>> different sessions to arrive at the same session key.  This concern is 
>> largely independent of this hybrid key exchange draft, as it focuses on 
>> collisions in the transcript hash, and affects existing TLS 1.3 even without 
>> this draft being adopted.  If the TLS working group thinks this is a concern 
>> that should be addressed, it seems like it should be addressed at the 
>> overall level of TLS 1.3, rather than for this specific hybrid key exchange 
>> draft.
>> b) An attacker who can find collisions in the hash function and has a 
>> certain level of control over the first of the two shared secrets in the 
>> hybrid shared secret concatenation may be able to carry out an iterative 
>> attack to recover bytes of the second shared secret.  The iterative is 
>> similar to the APOP attacks [4,5] and also somewhat similar to the CRIME 
>> attack [6].  After discussing further with Nimrod and his colleagues, we 
>> identified that the following conditions need to be satisfied for this 
>> attack:
>>         i) Chosen-prefix collisions can be found in the hash function within 
>> the lifetime of the TLS handshake timeout of the victim.
>>         ii) The victim reuses ephemeral keying material several hundred 
>> times and for a time lasting at least as long as the time for part (i) of 
>> the attack.
>>         iii) The attacker can learn or control the value of the first shared 
>> secret in the hybrid shared secret concatenation.
>>         iv) The attacker is able to control the length of the first shared 
>> secret, so that -- for the iterative component of the attack -- the hash 
>> block boundary lands at different positions within the second shared secret.
>> Although different standardized groups do not all have the same shared 
>> secret length, for all DH/ECDH groups for TLS 1.3 standardized in RFC 8446, 
>> once the group is fixed (during negotiation), the shared secret is fixed 
>> length, so condition (iv) is not satisfied for stock TLS 1.3.  All NIST 
>> Round 3 finalist and alternate candidate KEMs currently have fixed-length 
>> shared secrets, so they would not satisfy condition (iv) either, if a 
>> post-quantum KEM was used as the first component in concatenation.  It may 
>> be possible that other organizations have bespoke key exchange methods they 
>> would want to use in a hybrid format, which might be variable length, but we 
>> don't have any information about that.  Even still, the three other 
>> conditions of the attack would need to be satisfied.  We think that's a 
>> pretty high barrier and as such have decided not to incorporate 
>> countermeasures at this time, but if the working group prefers otherwise, we 
>> can do so.  For example, Nimrod and his colleagues
>>  ve proposed a KDF design that would be secure even in this scenario, but it 
>> has substantially more hash function applications that the current 
>> HKDF-based approach does.
>> Douglas
>> [1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tls-hybrid-design/
>> [2] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/tls/F4SVeL2xbGPaPB2GW_GkBbD_a5M/
>> [3] https://github.com/nimia/kdf_public#readme
>> [4] Practical key-recovery attack against APOP, an MD5-based 
>> challenge-response authentication. Leurent, Gaetan.
>> [5] Practical Password Recovery on an MD5 Challenge and Response. Sasaki, Yu 
>> and Yamamoto, Go and Aoki, Kazumaro.
>> [6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CRIME
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