On Jan 11, 2022, at 19:07, Martin Thomson <m...@lowentropy.net> wrote:
> I was operating under the assumption that inputs to concatenation were fixed 
> length.  It seems that the attack mentioned did not.  It seems like that is a 
> far simpler way of achieving that goal.  
> That is, it seems to be sufficient to state that assumption as a requirement.

Indeed we do state that in Section 6:

   Therefore, this specification MUST only be used with algorithms which
   have fixed-length shared secrets (after the variant has been fixed by
   the algorithm identifier in the NamedGroup negotiation in Section 3.1).

> Constructing a length-prefixed encoding would work if we thought that 
> supporting variable length secrets was a good idea.

As Scott writes in a subsequent email, length-prefixed encoding doesn't thwart 
this type of attack.  Length-prefixed encoding ensures there's no *ambiguity* 
about which component is which, but that's not what the APOP-like attack 
exploits.  Instead it's helpful to the attacker to make parts of the input line 
up with hash function boundaries, and length-prefixed encoding of 
variable-length values don't stop that.  

Padding to a fixed length would be the solution if we thought some algorithms 
would have variable length secrets.  For the purposes of the APOP-style attack, 
I think it would even suffice to have a rule like "length-prefixed encoding + 
pad up to the nearest multiple of 32 bytes in length" -- this would mean the 
attacker's granularity in lining up something with respect to the hash function 
boundary would be 32 bytes = 256 bits, which would make the search space of the 
APOP-style attack infeasibly large.  


On Jan 11, 2022, at 19:07, Martin Thomson <m...@lowentropy.net> wrote:
> I was operating under the assumption that inputs to concatenation were fixed 
> length.  It seems that the attack mentioned did not.  It seems like that is a 
> far simpler way of achieving that goal.  
> That is, it seems to be sufficient to state that assumption as a requirement.
> Constructing a length-prefixed encoding would work if we thought that 
> supporting variable length secrets was a good idea.  We could even do that on 
> a per-secret basis, adding a length only when needed.  However, I can't think 
> of any way in which a variable length input would be advisable. So I'm going 
> to recommend that we stick to fixed lengths.  As Douglas notes, there aren't 
> any primitives under consideration that want a variable-length secret once 
> the parameters are decided.
> That TLS is vulnerable in the event of a collision will remain, even if we 
> fix this, so while I'm not happy that our defense is that thin, the four 
> conditions here on the second attack are each layers in that defense.  Short 
> timeouts mean that the massive computation involved in even SHA-1 collisions 
> seems unlikely.  Ephemeral key reuse is already advised against fairly 
> strongly.  We try to choose strong key agreement methods.  And inputs are 
> fixed length (or unambiguously encoded if deemed to be necessary).
> Cheers,
> Martin
> On Wed, Jan 12, 2022, at 08:01, Eric Rescorla wrote:
>> Hi Douglas,
>> 8446 already says:
>>   Note that HKDF-Expand implements a pseudorandom function (PRF) with
>>   both inputs and outputs of variable length.  In some of the uses of
>>   HKDF in this document (e.g., for generating exporters and the
>>   resumption_master_secret), it is necessary that the application of
>>   HKDF-Expand be collision resistant; namely, it should be infeasible
>>   to find two different inputs to HKDF-Expand that output the same
>>   value.  This requires the underlying hash function to be collision
>>   resistant and the output length from HKDF-Expand to be of size at
>>   least 256 bits (or as much as needed for the hash function to prevent
>>   finding collisions).
>> With that said, defense in depth is good. Does it help to have just a 
>> structured input, e.g.,
>> opaque KeyInput<0..2^16-1>;
>> struct {
>>   KeyInput inputs<2..2^16-1>;
>> } KeyScheduleInput;
>> -Ekr
>> On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 11:08 AM Douglas Stebila <dsteb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello TLS working group,
>>> We've posted a revised version of "Hybrid key exchange in TLS 1.3" [1].  
>>> Based on revision requests from the last draft, the main change is removing 
>>> the unnecessary appendix of the past design considerations, and a few 
>>> wording changes.
>>> Last September, Nimrod Aviram, Benjamin Dowling, Ilan Komargodski, Kenny 
>>> Paterson, Eyal Ronen, and Eylon Yogev posted a note [2,3] with some 
>>> concerns about whether the approach for constructing the hybrid shared 
>>> secret in this document -- direct concatenation -- was risky in a scenario 
>>> where the hash function used in TLS key derivation and transcript hashing 
>>> is not collision resistant.  Nimrod and his colleagues exchanged many 
>>> emails with us over the past few months to help us understand their 
>>> concerns.  In the end we think the concerns are low and we have not made 
>>> any changes in this draft, although if we receive different guidance from 
>>> the working group, we'll do so.
>>> There were two types of concerns that Nimrod and his colleagues identified 
>>> [2,3]:
>>> a) An attacker who can find collisions in the hash function can cause 
>>> different sessions to arrive at the same session key.  This concern is 
>>> largely independent of this hybrid key exchange draft, as it focuses on 
>>> collisions in the transcript hash, and affects existing TLS 1.3 even 
>>> without this draft being adopted.  If the TLS working group thinks this is 
>>> a concern that should be addressed, it seems like it should be addressed at 
>>> the overall level of TLS 1.3, rather than for this specific hybrid key 
>>> exchange draft.
>>> b) An attacker who can find collisions in the hash function and has a 
>>> certain level of control over the first of the two shared secrets in the 
>>> hybrid shared secret concatenation may be able to carry out an iterative 
>>> attack to recover bytes of the second shared secret.  The iterative is 
>>> similar to the APOP attacks [4,5] and also somewhat similar to the CRIME 
>>> attack [6].  After discussing further with Nimrod and his colleagues, we 
>>> identified that the following conditions need to be satisfied for this 
>>> attack:
>>>        i) Chosen-prefix collisions can be found in the hash function within 
>>> the lifetime of the TLS handshake timeout of the victim.
>>>        ii) The victim reuses ephemeral keying material several hundred 
>>> times and for a time lasting at least as long as the time for part (i) of 
>>> the attack.
>>>        iii) The attacker can learn or control the value of the first shared 
>>> secret in the hybrid shared secret concatenation.
>>>        iv) The attacker is able to control the length of the first shared 
>>> secret, so that -- for the iterative component of the attack -- the hash 
>>> block boundary lands at different positions within the second shared secret.
>>> Although different standardized groups do not all have the same shared 
>>> secret length, for all DH/ECDH groups for TLS 1.3 standardized in RFC 8446, 
>>> once the group is fixed (during negotiation), the shared secret is fixed 
>>> length, so condition (iv) is not satisfied for stock TLS 1.3.  All NIST 
>>> Round 3 finalist and alternate candidate KEMs currently have fixed-length 
>>> shared secrets, so they would not satisfy condition (iv) either, if a 
>>> post-quantum KEM was used as the first component in concatenation.  It may 
>>> be possible that other organizations have bespoke key exchange methods they 
>>> would want to use in a hybrid format, which might be variable length, but 
>>> we don't have any information about that.  Even still, the three other 
>>> conditions of the attack would need to be satisfied.  We think that's a 
>>> pretty high barrier and as such have decided not to incorporate 
>>> countermeasures at this time, but if the working group prefers otherwise, 
>>> we can do so.  For example, Nimrod and his colleague
>  ha
>>> ve proposed a KDF design that would be secure even in this scenario, but it 
>>> has substantially more hash function applications that the current 
>>> HKDF-based approach does.
>>> Douglas
>>> [1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tls-hybrid-design/
>>> [2] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/tls/F4SVeL2xbGPaPB2GW_GkBbD_a5M/
>>> [3] https://github.com/nimia/kdf_public#readme
>>> [4] Practical key-recovery attack against APOP, an MD5-based 
>>> challenge-response authentication. Leurent, Gaetan.
>>> [5] Practical Password Recovery on an MD5 Challenge and Response. Sasaki, 
>>> Yu and Yamamoto, Go and Aoki, Kazumaro.
>>> [6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CRIME
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