I am not convinced that the extra effort is justified.

However, I am convinced that the proposed construction is complex.

combined_key = H(HMAC(key=H1(k1), data=2||F(k2)) xor HMAC(key=H2(k2),
H1(k) = H('derive1' || k)
H2(k) = H('derive2' || k)
F(m) = 
for m = m1||m2||...||mn and j =~ 3

It's nice that this is a dual PRF; that's something I think we've wanted for a 
number of other reasons in TLS.  I might have preferred a more efficient option 

Comparing that to k1 || k2 means - for me - this needs much stronger 

Perhaps if the CFRG were to standardize a dual (or multi) PRF that were more 
efficient I would be more favourably inclined toward its inclusion - in a 
revision of the core specification.

The nice thing about the hybrid draft is that it isn't a firm commitment to any 
particular combination method.  Each new key exchange "group" can define its 
own combination method.  It only suggests a method.  So I don't agree that 
"[m]issing this opportunity would effectively further embed the problem" (or 
maybe "effectively" is doing a little too much work there).

On Wed, Jan 19, 2022, at 22:21, Nimrod Aviram wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> As Douglas wrote, we have discussed the issues together at length, and 
> we thank him for the productive (and friendly :-)) conversation.
> Our paper, which describes our concerns, can be found here: 
> https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/065
> And a reference implementation of our proposed KDF: 
> https://github.com/nimia/kdf_reference_implementation/blob/main/kdf_reference_implementation.py#L60
> A few points from our side:
> Firstly, our proposed construction is simple to implement (see the 
> Python code above), and adds a modest overhead of a few microseconds 
> (see the paper).
> Re: point a) from Douglas’ first mail: Admittedly, our concerns are 
> broader than Hybrid Key Exchange in TLS. However, we view the 
> standardization of Hybrid Key Exchange as an opportunity to add defense 
> in depth. Missing this opportunity would effectively further embed the 
> problem. We don’t see another such opportunity on the horizon: If we 
> standardize a TLS extension in a few years, getting everyone to deploy 
> the extension would be hard. Whereas here everyone has to deploy the 
> new thing anyway, so we might as well make it as robust as we can.
> Consider the following: SHA-1 weaknesses to collisions were first 
> really highlighted in 2005. TLS version 1.0 was standardised in 2006 
> and hardcoded the use of SHA-1, and MD5 (admittedly, for use in HMAC). 
> TLS 1.2 was standardised in 2008, and formal deprecation of SHA-1 
> occurred in 2011 by NIST. The standard deprecating the use of SHA-1 in 
> TLS 1.2 digital signatures occurred in 2021. In 2016, TLS support 
> (according to Qualys SSL Labs SSL survey) was over 90%. In 2020, TLS 
> 1.0 support was still above 50%, despite practical chosen-prefix 
> collision attacks against SHA-1 being possible. Being robust against 
> future threats when given the option is something that we should 
> seriously take time to consider.
> As to ekr’s response that the standard already states we need a 
> collision-resistant hash function: Brendel et al. [1] proved that the 
> TLS 1.3 ECDHE handshake survives losing the collision resistance of the 
> hash function, as long as HKDF retains its pseudorandomness property. 
> However, HKDF does not provably possess this property to begin with, 
> with respect to the (EC)DH shared secret input, since this input is fed 
> as the message input to HMAC, and HMAC/HKDF is not a dual PRF.
> To summarize, we recommend using our new proposed construction. It’s 
> fast, easy to implement, and provides provable security. We see no 
> reason to entrench a problem if we’re already changing the protocol in 
> this area, and requiring implementation changes anyway.
> Best,
> Nimrod, Ben, Ilan, Kenny, Eyal, and Eylon
> [1] https://www.felixguenther.info/publications/ESORICS_BreFisGun19.pdf
> On Tue, 11 Jan 2022 at 21:08, Douglas Stebila <dsteb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello TLS working group,
>> We've posted a revised version of "Hybrid key exchange in TLS 1.3" [1].  
>> Based on revision requests from the last draft, the main change is removing 
>> the unnecessary appendix of the past design considerations, and a few 
>> wording changes.
>> Last September, Nimrod Aviram, Benjamin Dowling, Ilan Komargodski, Kenny 
>> Paterson, Eyal Ronen, and Eylon Yogev posted a note [2,3] with some concerns 
>> about whether the approach for constructing the hybrid shared secret in this 
>> document -- direct concatenation -- was risky in a scenario where the hash 
>> function used in TLS key derivation and transcript hashing is not collision 
>> resistant.  Nimrod and his colleagues exchanged many emails with us over the 
>> past few months to help us understand their concerns.  In the end we think 
>> the concerns are low and we have not made any changes in this draft, 
>> although if we receive different guidance from the working group, we'll do 
>> so.
>> There were two types of concerns that Nimrod and his colleagues identified 
>> [2,3]:
>> a) An attacker who can find collisions in the hash function can cause 
>> different sessions to arrive at the same session key.  This concern is 
>> largely independent of this hybrid key exchange draft, as it focuses on 
>> collisions in the transcript hash, and affects existing TLS 1.3 even without 
>> this draft being adopted.  If the TLS working group thinks this is a concern 
>> that should be addressed, it seems like it should be addressed at the 
>> overall level of TLS 1.3, rather than for this specific hybrid key exchange 
>> draft.
>> b) An attacker who can find collisions in the hash function and has a 
>> certain level of control over the first of the two shared secrets in the 
>> hybrid shared secret concatenation may be able to carry out an iterative 
>> attack to recover bytes of the second shared secret.  The iterative is 
>> similar to the APOP attacks [4,5] and also somewhat similar to the CRIME 
>> attack [6].  After discussing further with Nimrod and his colleagues, we 
>> identified that the following conditions need to be satisfied for this 
>> attack:
>>         i) Chosen-prefix collisions can be found in the hash function within 
>> the lifetime of the TLS handshake timeout of the victim.
>>         ii) The victim reuses ephemeral keying material several hundred 
>> times and for a time lasting at least as long as the time for part (i) of 
>> the attack.
>>         iii) The attacker can learn or control the value of the first shared 
>> secret in the hybrid shared secret concatenation.
>>         iv) The attacker is able to control the length of the first shared 
>> secret, so that -- for the iterative component of the attack -- the hash 
>> block boundary lands at different positions within the second shared secret.
>> Although different standardized groups do not all have the same shared 
>> secret length, for all DH/ECDH groups for TLS 1.3 standardized in RFC 8446, 
>> once the group is fixed (during negotiation), the shared secret is fixed 
>> length, so condition (iv) is not satisfied for stock TLS 1.3.  All NIST 
>> Round 3 finalist and alternate candidate KEMs currently have fixed-length 
>> shared secrets, so they would not satisfy condition (iv) either, if a 
>> post-quantum KEM was used as the first component in concatenation.  It may 
>> be possible that other organizations have bespoke key exchange methods they 
>> would want to use in a hybrid format, which might be variable length, but we 
>> don't have any information about that.  Even still, the three other 
>> conditions of the attack would need to be satisfied.  We think that's a 
>> pretty high barrier and as such have decided not to incorporate 
>> countermeasures at this time, but if the working group prefers otherwise, we 
>> can do so.  For example, Nimrod and his colleagues ha
>>  ve proposed a KDF design that would be secure even in this scenario, but it 
>> has substantially more hash function applications that the current 
>> HKDF-based approach does.
>> Douglas
>> [1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tls-hybrid-design/
>> [2] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/tls/F4SVeL2xbGPaPB2GW_GkBbD_a5M/
>> [3] https://github.com/nimia/kdf_public#readme
>> [4] Practical key-recovery attack against APOP, an MD5-based 
>> challenge-response authentication. Leurent, Gaetan.
>> [5] Practical Password Recovery on an MD5 Challenge and Response. Sasaki, Yu 
>> and Yamamoto, Go and Aoki, Kazumaro.
>> [6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CRIME
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