Regarding additional key agreements.

For the (public) web it would be best if we can agree on a default key
agreement. If one half uses P-256+Kyber768 and the other X25519+Kyber768,
then clients will either HRR half the time or need to send both. Neither
are ideal.

Obviously this point is moot for internal networks. So I do not
oppose specifying additional preliminary key agreements, but I do not like
to actively support it. What about specifying further preliminary key
agreements in yet again a separate draft?



On Sat, Apr 1, 2023 at 1:56 AM Bas Westerbaan <> wrote:

> The draft draft-tls-westerbaan-xyber768d00-00 references
>> draft-cfrg-schwabe-kyber-01, which has a number of annoying mistakes,
>> since fixed in editor's copy.
>> And then, the correct reference for X25519 is probably RFC7748 instead
>> of RFC8037...
>> Really quick and dirty way to fix this would be to publish editor's
>> copy as draft-cfrg-schwabe-kyber-02 (or if CFRG adapts quickly, the
>> RG-00), and then publish draft-tls-westerbaan-xyber768d00-01, fixing
>> the references.
> Thanks, done. Posted -02 of both the Kyber and Xyber drafts.
> Best,
>  Bas
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