On Fri, Dec 08, 2023 at 05:47:01PM +0000, Salz, Rich wrote:
> Good point.  https://github.com/richsalz/tls12-frozen/pull/12 has the
> change.  I’ll wait until/if this is adopted by the WG to merge it.

Reading through the document, I noticed the following:

"To securely deploy TLS 1.2, either renegotiation must be disabled
entirely, or this extension must be present." (where this extension
means renegotiation_info)

Entirely disabling renegotiation is not sufficient to fix the
renegotiation issue in TLS 1.2. For fixing the issue, renegotiation_info
MUST be required both ways.

And then there is the other part to the triple handshake attack where
using TLS exporters for authentication without extended_master_secret
extension is insecure, even if renegotiation is not supported at all
by either side and both sides implement renegotiation_info.

And then there is more dangerously flawed stuff, e.g., session tickets
(technically an extension).


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