On Tue, Nov 07, 2006 at 09:58:16PM -0700, Jason R. Mastaler wrote:

> egrep and fgrep come installed in /usr/bin on OS X, so they were
> definately in my path.

> This is on Linux now, but I get a different error --

I know these are dumb questions, but it's working for me so I'm a bit
lost. What version of tk and tix are you using? I've got:

    tix/unstable uptodate 8.4.0-6
    tk8.4/stable uptodate 8.4.9-1

on my boxen, and it seems to be working as advertised.

> Error in startup script: error reading "file6": illegal operation on a 
> directory
>     while executing
> "gets $fh"
>     ("foreach" body line 5)
>     invoked from within
> "foreach FileName [glob *] {
>     catch {[unset From Subject]}
>     set fh [open $FileName r]
>     while 1 {
>         set line [gets $fh]
>         # For some reason, usin..."
>     (file "./qbrowse(2).tk" line 330)

The stack trace says that $fh (the filehandle pointing to the file6
descriptor) is invalid. So, I'm thinking that either it never actually
opened $fh properly, the globbing isn't working right on your box, or
something else is preventing it from actually returning any data from
the file.

The next line:

> error reading "file6": illegal operation on a directory while
> executing "gets $fh"

seems to say it's a directory permission/location problem. What are the
contents of ~/.qbrowserc, and is the PendingCache directory readable by
the user running qbrowse.tk?

I have an updated version that will carp if a file is unreadable. Give
it a shot.

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