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Jason R. Mastaler wrote:
> Stephen Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Around 1.1.4-6, I added a catch-all exception handler into the code,
>> which returned the exception text to the client. (That said, I think
>> I forgot to add code to dump the exception to the debug log, so I
>> *might* have broken that functionality during that short period).
> A study of the SVN change history[1] might help sort that out.

Yup - when I look into this, I'll be sure to check.

>> So, now I'm confused why that core module exception handler isn't
>> triggering! Perhaps some specific exception types were "handled"
>> elsewhere in some module, hence the core exception handler isn't
>> being reached... I guess I need to see if I can reproduce the
>> exception that Todd is seeing (or see if Todd can) to find out
>> what's really going on!
> Wasn't there a Python version twist to this as well, or am I thinking
> of a different problem?  i.e, different behavior with Python 2.3 vs a
> more recent version...

I certainly thought so, although later, I looked back at previous Python
implementations of the core SMTP server code, and the same exception
handler appeared to be present. So, that might have been a red herring.

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