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Jason R. Mastaler wrote:
> "Todd A. Jacobs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> on, I can code around it in my testing. But I don't really think
>> that's a substitute for real robustness. A program can complain or
>> validate/reject data, but it shouldn't *die* or close unexpectedly
>> without providing a way to correct the problem. A failure to handle
>> a use case *is* a bug by definition, isn't it?
> Well, Python's way of showing what the problem is is to throw up an
> exception, which is all the garbage you are looking it.  In that sense
> it's not just "dying".  It's trying to tell you what went wrong before
> bailing out of the cockpit.  If you're a python programmer it's
> actually pretty nice as it allows you to trace where the problem
> occurred.

The problem is that the exception is dumped on the STDERR (or debug log,
or ...) not into the SMTP channel.

I'm certainly fine with such complete information being sent there *but*
I *also* want some kind of well-formatted error to be returned to the
SMTP client *as well* (and some of the text returned to the client could
be derived from the exception text, although obviously the client
wouldn't receive the entire stack trace).

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