Hi All,
I'm almost afraid of what I might find out, but I need to ask anyway
Has anyone had an Epidural Steroid Injection close to the site of your lesion(s)?  I had to go to a neurosurgeon because I am having such pain from my lesion, which I was told has been at    C 5-6 and I just learned it is now at C 4,5 & 6 - how did that happen!
I am going Wednesday to have the ESI by an anesthesiologist at the hospital here in Seattle.
Have any of you ever had this done or have you heard of it?? I have had the IV Steroids but never this.  The doctors want to do this procedure so that my pain does not start to go down my arm. It so far has stopped at my shoulder blade.
I would appreciate any input.  Thanks from the scaredy-cat  : -)
Linda in Bothell, WA

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