Thank you Everyone for such loving, caring, heartfelt, and sometimes funny emails.  They really did the job in cheering me up!
In answer to some of your salient suggestions, I do have a cell phone which supposed to be in the holder on my chair at all times, but the holder ripped out the other day and we haven't replaced it yet.  Besides, even though I was next to the wheelchair, I was in such a position that there was no way I could have reached far enough behind me and turned my hand the way it would need to be in order to pick it up.
And maybe I am wrong, but I am afraid that if I let go of the one hand hold I had on the bed rail in order to have dialed, I would have slid all the way out of bed which would have made me part of the bed, wheelchair and floor, in who knows what position!  Plus, remember I have casts on both legs and the problems could have been multiplied to the max!
I also do have, to your utter disgust I am sure, the Lifeline setup.  However, because I had had some bowel problems and had gotten overheated, I had taken off my top and in the process took off the necklace at the same time...(when it rains.............)
I mean, it's not that I am unprepared.  We have seen to it that I have all of the help, except for the electric/voice activated door opener I want, that I need.  It was just a matter of events.
So, tonight I have sewn new Velcro onto my phone holder, but still may not have been able to reach it, and  have gotten dressed with my necklace close by.
I see the dentist tomorrow for two-hour crown work, so will be decked out with everything at hand tomorrow when Dave leaves for work.  I won't be getting out of bed while he's gone.
So, thank you again, all of you who were/are so kind.  I love you and appreciate you  so much.  Such troubles we share...
Peace, Light and Love

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