I agree with you, Bernie, about the weather affecting how we feel.  And I live in Hawaii!  But we had several weeks of cold, and I wore sweat suits and 2 pair of socks, constantly.  I spent two weeks in Long Beach, CA, with my sister, in Feb, and wore TWO sweat suits to bed, with THREE pairs of socks! 
So I really empathize with you folks who live in really cold weather!  (You have to realize, tho, that all we can do when the cold weather hits us in Hawaii, is to close the windows.  We don't have heaters or fireplaces.  And when you live here, your blood thins out.  I won't tell you the weather in degrees, though, as I'm sure I wouldn't get any sympathy at all!  :)  I have at times not gone places that I really wanted to go, because I couldn't bear the air conditioning on my feet and legs.

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