Can anyone give me an address to contact this Mr. Graves that you are all talking about.  I would like to know what the Miami project is.  I stay in southern Florida for the winter and am thinking of going to the Cleveland Clinic which is near Miami.  Maybe they can tell me what I have.   Of course so far I have no diagnosis.  First thought it was Guilliane-Barre Syndrome, then TM, but my  neurologist says it was a spinal cord stroke and is quite sure about it.     
       In any case I have most of the symptons that most of you have but fortunately not alot of pain.  Some nerve pain that is like sciatic pain but only in the evening.
       Also, the more I lie around the worse I feel.  If I spend more time walking (with a walker of course and using mostly hands) then I dont get as stiff and ill feeling.  I cant stand on my own yet but am working on it and thats because the muscles in my butt and my hamstrings are not working,
       Thanks, Rosalie

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