but i thought myelin was our  nerve insulator? we have loss of myelin so hence we react to cold....didn't think it was fatigue as well....I had fatigue at first but no longer have it, and I take my vitamins and herbal supplements and also my rehab at home exercises. Sure I get stiff and achy in my legs, but the fatigue is no where near what it was if at all.....

I was wondering if someone can explain (in "laymen's" terms) what causes fatigue from TM?
I noticed that this summer at the 2nd International Rare Neuroimmunolic Symposium there is going to be a session on Fatigue in TM and similar disorders.
In the meantime I just wondered if someone can explain it or has any information on it.
I take many vitamins and supplements, and they may be helping, but still battle fatigue daily.
Gary in Michigan

Krissy Zodda
Tri State Support Group Leader
~I'm In pretty Good Shape
For the Shape I am in~

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