G'day Luciana.
In August it will be 5 years.


I have gained a lot back, I can walk now, certainly not in any elegant fashion but at least I am able.
I have overcome the overwhelming fatigue of the first ...maybe 12 months.  That is not to say I don't tire easily but much less.  I have also learned to regulate myself a little which helps.
I have gained heaps of pain but have lost many of the "little" annoying things that used to happen,  such as the pain in my ears from time to time and a host of things I'm struggling to remember now.
Maybe I still get them, but whatever they are have become second nature to me now, like breathing out and breathing in...sorry, got a bit carried away there.
You didn't say how long you have had tm but I'm  assuming you are fairly new to it.
Just don't give up, the first three months should show you a good amount of improvement, if not, then maybe you won't gain too much back.
It's a really shi**y condition to have, whatever happens but hang in with us and we'll help you as much as possible.
many hugs

On 09/06/06, luciana noble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
gilly, how long have u had tm and have u regained anything back?

Gillian Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
G'day Carol,
Many of us have had an increase in pain and many have not, so, best not to worry about it until it happens.

On 09/06/06, Carol E <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
I was diagnosed with TM 1 year ago, June 16th.  So far, I have only some discomfort in my body and no real pain to complain of.  My question is....is that the way everyone starts out and then the pain comes later?  Does it make a difference where your lesions are?  Mine is at T8-T10.  Should I be expecting the hammer to fall any day? 
Your input would be appreciated.
Carol in Culver, IN

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