It's comforting to know I'm not the only one that lives with this fear
of pain.  Sometimes it seems silly, but then I remember what it felt
like and I shudder at the thought of it.


On 7/24/06, Sue Zieke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
terry,  before my last spinal tap my blood pressure was 210 0ver 130,
and the nurse said 'i guess you are nervous',  because my previous tap
was nightmarish. sounds like yours. my right thigh is still numb from
the tap. . however, the last tap under a floroscope did not hurt at
all, minor pressure like pressing your hands together.  by using the
xray they can tell exactly where to put the needle. i laid flat on my
stomach and the floroscope was placed above my back. good luck. i hate
the terror we live with--fear of the pain.   sue
On Monday, July 24, 2006, at 03:54  PM, Terry McLaughlin wrote:

> This might sounds a little lame, but my neuro ordered a spinal tap
> under flouroscopy to continue with my testing/diagnosis.  Last time I
> had one was a nightmare--was having extreme neuropathic pain and
> couldn't bend at the waist to allow them to put the needle in.
> Needless to say, just the thought of having another one makes me
> queasy.
> Has anyone had one recently?  Or does anyone have any advice to try
> and help me feel a little less like I'm going to lose my lunch?
> -Terry

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