Yesterday I wanted to scan a picture that was in a collage-type frame on the wall, so I took the frame down and left it on the table while I took the picture out and scanned it. I got to doing other things and didn't get the picture back in and frame up. Later in the day I came downstairs and noticed the blank space on the wall, and thought, "What? What is supposed to be there? What's missing?" I felt so silly for not remembering I had taken the frame down earlier in the day.
Brain fog happens. I don't know why. I agree with whoever said it gets worse if you fret about it.
I've had days when my balance is worse, too, to the point where I am not too sure about doing what I normally do.
I hope there is some encouragement in knowing that many of us experience the same things, even if we don't know why. :-)
Barbara H.
In a message dated 9/6/2006 9:24:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
well, I notice my balance is a little more  off balance lately..more so than usual..I know I could get *tipsy* now and again, but especially in the mornings now I am way off balance and sometimes after a longer day I find myself falling into things more...also, my memory is really geting bad now..mostly my short term and its really starting to bother me. I cannot always recall the names of simple things when I was in the cellar asking the boys to help me clean I was pointing to the sleeping bag , snapping my fingers calling it a blue thing....then the other night, my daughter and I did her bedtime prayer and I walked into the other room o get her something and walked back in and said 'lets do prayer" and she said but mama we already did it, and I had NO recollection of doing it!!!! I felt like an idiot...I feel like saying wtf is happening to me? Is it early Alzheimer's???? sheesh, it brings me to it because I am not getting to the gym to exercise, or on here too much? not outside as much, I don't know...but it seriously is bothering me...

Krissy Zodda
Tri State Support Group Leader
~I'm In pretty Good Shape
For the Shape I am in~

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