Hi Janet
I've had TM for three years without another recurrence.  The chances of a  
recurrence are something like 20%.  I focus on the 80% chance of not having 
one.  The longer you go without a recurrence the higher your chances are that 
it won't happen.  The greatest learning curve is recognizing what causes to 
have symptoms that cause addition pain, spasms, stumbling, fatigue, clumsiness, 
brain fog, etc.  These are my signals that I have pushed myself to hard 
mentally or physically. 
Sandy Siegel, the editor of the TM newsletter wrote a great article about 
recurrence and exaberations.  You can find it on the myelitis.org home page, 
newsletters, Dec 2004.  Someone on the site can likely give you the direct link.
---- Janet Dunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Hello
> I am just wondering if anyone has had another episode of TM after the
> original one?  Mine has remained relatively stable for a year now, and I am
> just wondering if this will be the way it is now, or if it can flare up and
> be debilitating again.
> Being fairly new to the list, I am not sure if this has been covered before,
> my apologies if it has.
> Thanks
> Janet

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