Hey Ken,

Good to talk with you again. I've had TM for over 30 years now. I was diagnosed in Sept. 1974. My TM story is located in the TM archives which is at the TM web site. I think it is #304  I had forgotten about the archives until the other day and went back to read several folks stories. It sure is amazing how some of us have been able to make it. This is such a strange disorder!

I live just about 90 miles south of Bristow on highway 99 in Ada. I am sorry to hear about your wife. It sure is hard when both partners need help. My wife broke her leg not to long ago and it was a struggle to get through it. But alas we made it with a little prayer and a lot of patience.

I feel your pain my friend. I do my best to cope with mine. I too have tried the pain clinics and was never really satisfied with what they tried. I do take an anti-depresent (cymbalta) which I think helps me cope with the pain. Yesterday was one of the worst days I have had in a long time. When I got home from work all I could do was go strait to bed and lay curled up on the bed. Today is much better. No leg or back pain as of yet.  I am off work today and plan on doing some work at the house and in the yard. It is going to be a beautiful day here so I better let you go so I can go out and enjoy it.

Larry in Oklahoma where I still have four puppies left and they are sooooooo cute but growing fast.

From: "Kenneth Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] RE. Handlying TM
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2007 22:54:16 -0600

Hi Larry,
Nice to hear from you.  How long have you had TM?  Any time at all seems too long.  This past year my wife fell and hurt her shoulder and had surgery four months after the fall she was having theapy before and after surgery.  It gets a bit of problem some times to be both patient and care giver.  We had a lot coming and going with nursing,  pt, and home help.
I'm glad you have a handle on the pain.  I am thankful that I don't have the constant pain that I had for so many years.  Now with spring here if I get hurting too much I wheel my self out to the yard and do everything from lawn mowing and gardening from power chair.  The sunshine and fresh air helps relieve the pain.
Where do you live in Oklahoma.  We lived in Bristow for four years, and liked it very much except for being in tornado ally.
Some have been talking about pain clinics,  I tried one and all he was concerned about was treating mood swings.  One month it was buspar and the next paxil, I got disgusted and dumped them down the toilet.
Keep looking up there are a lot of sunny days ahead.
Ken in Central Texas 

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